The small constellations Delphinus, the dolphin, and Sagitta, the arrow, can be
seen high in the sky during the summer and fall months by observers in
the northern hemisphere. Many constellations bear little resemblance to the objects they are supposed to represent,
but it is not hard to see the dolphin and arrow shapes of these two constellations.
To the right of Sagitta is a distinctive groups of stars known as the Coathanger
(appearing upside down), which is easy to see with any pair of binoculars.
At the bottom of the frame is the first-magnitude star Altair in the constellation Aquila.
To its upper right (and not easy to see) is a dark nebula “Barnard’s E,” which has a rough "E" shape.
Image details: 13 images, each 60 seconds at ISO 1600, taken with a Canon 400D camera and a 55-mm lens.
October 2008