Galaxy Group in Perseus
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This large and dense group is one of the most distant galaxy clusters that can be seen through amateur telescopes. The large bright galaxy on the left is NGC 1275, also known as Perseus A. It is a Seyfert galaxy and a strong emitter of radio waves. Numerous other galaxies, spiral, elliptical, and irregular, are scattered throughout the field. Clicking on the larger images makes it easier to see the shapes of the many smaller galaxies. This field of view includes only a portion of this large galaxy cluster.
NGC 1275:
Magnitude |
11.9 |
Apparent Size |
2.6' x 1.9' |
Distance (light yrs) |
240 million |
Right Ascension |
3:19.8 |
Declination |
+41 31 |
Field of View |
39' x 26' |
Image details: 100 exposures of 180 seconds each, taken with a ZWO ASI2600MC Pro imager and a 14" Meade LX850 telescope at f/5.9.
December 2024