This view of Ophiuchus and Serpens was taken by aiming high in the southern sky on a July evening. I recognize Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer, by visualizing a large "O" shape. Serpens, the serpent, is the only one of the 88 constellations that is divided into two parts. The head end (Serpens Caput) stretches to west, and the tail end (Serpens Cauda) is a string of stars that point eastward to the summer Milky Way. This area of the sky is rich in both globular clusters and open clusters.
Also visible in this image is the small and inconspicuous constellation Scutum, the shield, which is in the midst of the Milky Way.
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Image details: 3 images, each 30 seconds at ISO 1600, taken with a Canon 400D camera at a focal length of 18 mm.
July 2012