Open Cluster in Andromeda
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Star-hop chart
Located below the cornucopia shape of Andromeda, this is a large open cluster of some 70 or 80 stars. It can be glimpsed with the naked eye as a hazy patch under very dark skies, but it is much easier target with binoculars. In fact, the best views of this cluster are either with a good pair of binouclars or a telescope with a very field of view, since the stars span an area of sky almost 1 degree in diameter.
Magnitude |
5.7 |
Apparent Size |
50' |
Distance (light yrs) |
1200 |
Right Ascension |
1:57.8 |
Declination |
+37 41 |
Field of View |
124' x 93' |
Image details: Exposure times of 20 minutes each of luminance, red, green, and blue, taken with a SBIG STF 8300M imager and a Tokina 500-mm lens.
February 2021