Globular clusters in Sagittarius
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These two clusters are not as big or bright as some of the globular clusters visible in the summer sky, but they make an interesting sight because of their proximity and their contrasting backgrounds. NGC 6522 (on the right) is seen against a very dense portion of the Milky Way, whereas NGC 6528 is on the edge of a dark nebula. The clusters are 16 arcminutes apart, and can be seen together in the same field of view through a telescope at moderate magnification.
NGC 6522:
Magnitude |
8.6 |
Apparent Size |
5.6' |
Distance (light yrs) |
25,400 |
Right Ascension |
18:03.6 |
Declination |
-30 02 |
Field of View |
38' x 25.3' |
NGC 6528:
Magnitude |
9.5 |
Apparent Size |
3.7' |
Distance (light yrs) |
25,800 |
Right Ascension |
18:04.8 |
Declination |
-30 03 |
Field of View |
38' x 25.3' |
Image details: 12 images, each 90 seconds at ISO 1600,
taken with a Canon 400D camera through a Meade 12”
telescope at f/6.8.
July 2010