Starburst galaxy
in Ursa Major
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As galaxies go, Messier 82 is fairly
close to us, about 12 million light years away. Only a handful of galaxies are
closer. Sometimes called the Cigar Galaxy
because of shape, it is classified as a starburst galaxy because it is forming new stars at a very high rate--perhaps 10 times as fast as our own galaxy. This rapid star formation is presumably due to the gravitational pull of nearby Messier 81, which is producing tidal forces that cause gases to condense into new stars. This long-duration photo gives the impression of intense activity in the central regions of the galaxy.
Even with a small
telescope, the galaxy's elongated shape is readily visible. With telescopes of larger aperture, such
as my 18-inch Dobsonian, the irregularities in its
outline and some of its larger internal features can be seen. It is an interesting object to observe
carefully. With a low-power
eyepiece, it can be seen in the same field of view as the spiral galaxy Messier
81, making a striking pair.
Magnitude |
8.4 |
Apparent Size |
11' x 5' |
Distance (light yrs) |
12 million |
Right Ascension |
9:55.8 |
Declination |
+69 41 |
Field of View |
32' x 24' |
Image details: Exposure times of 175 minutes luminance, and 25 minutes each of red, green, and blue, taken with an SBIG ST-8300M imager and a 14" Meade LX850 telescope at f/5.5.
January 2016