Open Cluster in Taurus
Star-hop chart
The Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, are probably the best known star cluster. On fall and winter evenings, this distinctive group of stars is easy to see with the naked eye, even from areas with moderate light pollution. They are a great view in just about any binoculars. Through a telescope under dark skies, one can get a glimpse of the faint ice-blue reflection nebula that surrounds the brightest stars. The Pleiades are so bright because they are one of the nearest open clusters, about 444 light years away.
Magnitude |
1.6 |
Apparent Size |
110' |
Distance (light yrs) |
444 |
Right Ascension |
03:47:24 |
Declination |
+24 07 |
Image details: A mosaic of 4 images, each based on 10-13 exposures of 120 seconds at ISO 1600,
taken with a Canon 400D camera through a Meade
12” telescope at f/5.4.
February 2009