Planetary nebula in Vulpecula
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The Dumbbell
Nebula is one of the largest and brightest planetary nebulae visible in our
skies, glowing at about magnitude 7. As the picture shows, the brightest sections of the nebula have an
hourglass or dumbbell shape that is fairly easy to see with a small
telescope. Like all planetary
nebulae, it is a shell of ionized gases that have been expelled by a star near
the end of its life. The star
responsible is the one in the very center of the dumbbell shape.
Magnitude |
7.5 |
Apparent Size |
8' x 5.6' |
Distance (light yrs) |
1,360 |
Right Ascension |
19:59.6 |
Declination |
+22 43 |
Image details: Exposure times of 42 minutes luminance and 18 minutes each of red, green, and blue, taken with an SBIG ST-8300M imager and a 14" Meade LX850 telescope at f/6.
August 2014