Andromeda and Triangulum |
Auriga |
Bootes and Corona Borealis |
Camelopardalis and Perseus |
Cassiopeia and Cepheus |
Delphinus and Sagitta |
Draco and
Ursa Minor
(Zoom in on M35) |
Hercules and Corona Borealis |
Leo, Leo Minor, and Cancer |
Lepus |
Lyra |
Ophiuchus, Serpens, and Scutum |
Orion |
Perseus |
Scutum Star Cloud |
Taurus |
Ursa Major
and Ursa Minor |
Virgo and Corvus |
Milky Way from Sapello, New Mexico |
Sword of Orion |
Messier 24 and vicinity |
Messier 6 and 7 |
Star trails in southern sky |