Galaxy Cluster in Cetus
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Abell 119 is a cluster of about 70 galaxies at an estimated distance of about 600 million light years. Because of their great distance, they appear very small in this image. Rolling over the image shows the designations of some of the largest and brightest galaxies (P= Principal Galaxy Catalogy). The largest and brightest member of the group is PGC 3342, to the left of center in this image. It is about magnitude 13.3, so it should be visible through large backyard telescopes. Some of the other bright galaxies should also be visible through a large scope under dark skies.
Distance (light yrs) |
600 million |
Right Ascension |
00:56.3 |
Declination |
-1 16 |
Field of View |
37' x 28' |
Image details: Exposure times of 58 minutes luminance and 26 minutes each of red, green and blue, taken with an SBIG STF-8300M imager and a 14" Meade telescope at f/4.8.
December 2023